WP4c - Activities

Research Activities

To illustrate significant contributions of hybrid system techniques to the improvement of the design flow for embedded systems and, in particular, in the automotive applications domain, intensive and fruitful activities, ranging from engine modeling to vehicle dynamic and exhaust after-treatment system modeling have been carried out in the first year of WP4c. The importance of hybrid modeling techniques is proven by the following list of topics (divided in groups) treated using these interesting and promising approaches.


Hybrid models for automotive control
(documents M4c.1.1 , M4c.1.2)

Engine and vehicle control
(documents M4c.2.1, M4c.2.2)

Analysis of the major effects of the implementation on closed-loop performances
(documents M4c.3.1, M4c.3.2)


Disseminating Activities

In the optic of  promoting the introduction of hybrid system techniques in the automotive industry the "HYCON Workshop on Automotive Applications of Hybrid Methodologies" was held in PARADES on 26-27th May, 2005. It focused on industrial relevant challenging problems where hybrid system approaches have been fruitfully introduced. Representing researchers from cutting-edge automotive industries participated to the workshop not only as observers but even as presenters. Vivacious discussions at the end of each session proved the interest of participants on presented topics.